Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Moving to the country

I guess it is no news we are looking for a new house. After 25 years we are looking for something else. Yesterday we were talking about moving and why we wanted to do it. I went on to explain to Rob that I did not want to be fifty years old and missed out on having pigs, goats and chickens. In mid stream, I had to correct myself-- hey I am already fifty. What the heck, I have missed it and didn't even know it.
There are other reasons, we want peace, quiet and to stop keeping up with the neighbors. We want more free weekends and less yard work. The list is long. Still is it a bit overwheming to move and I am not really looking forward to al lthe work.


mCat said...

Dewitts moving? Booooooo Hisssssss

kaTie said...

i know lots of land in franklin, idaho.... then brent and amy can come too!

Amy said...

Don't listen to Katie and don't let Rob look at her blog either or he and Brent might conspire against me.

Anonymous said...

Did you find a house you want? We found one too, but it's in "short sale", if you know what that means. All it means is our offer is at the mercy of some bank in Cali and we are a number. so DUMB! Let us know what happens. Scottie wants less yardwork too!