Saturday, May 16, 2009

Favorite Colby Story

Colby was in first grade and was a kind child always caring about the other kids. He came home from school one day and when asked about how they day went he began his story about the days events. It would seem they had tests that day and the teacher wanted to know what each child knew and so they had built little work stations so they could take a test and no one could see what the other was doing. It was hard and Colby knew his friend was struggling. He was frustrated and wanted to help him but they teacher had told him that he could not help. Colby was explaining to us that his Friend had to see the farter at school. We had no idea what he was talking about and questioned him about this farter.
His friend struggled in class so every day the friend had to leave class and go be with the farter. Now it is processing and we ask, Do you mean the Tutor? Oh yes that is what he meant the tutor not the farter. We have never looked at teachers the same since.

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