Saturday, May 16, 2009

Favorite Ashlee story

So the new camera thing is not working out too good. Hence no posts. So I have decided to do something else., my Favorite stories.
I was tending Ashlee and the twins one day and we were busy doing all kinds of things. I remember being in the house when Ashlee came running in to inform me that the twins were eating dog food. We both went out to the garage and they were indeed feasting on my the dry dog food in the garage. Dry dog isn't all that gross so I told Ashlee that it was fine. Her little face was astonished. Surely the aunt would not let this continue to happen. We sat down on the garage step and I began to tell her that her own father, Mr stinky yoyo ate dog food all the time when he was little and how grandma use to have to hide the food food from him. She was amazed and agreed that it was okay.
Looking back I can only hope she has forgive me and knows now that if my own grand sons were to be feasting on dog food, I would have to ay " no"..With age does come some wisdom.
But if you are raised with people eating dog , well you just think it is alright.

1 comment:

AshleeMattMaxJack said...

I like these stories!

And apparently eating dog food MUST run in the family, because Jack always has a piece in his mouth....

Oh well- good protein right? :)
ha ha ha