Saturday, May 16, 2009

Favorite Nicole Story

Brent and Nicole were inseparable as children. Nicole idolized Brent and followed him every he went. I was tending one day and the kids were out playing on the playhouse. Rob had built it and the best way to get down was the metal pole like a fireman. I was in the house and had been in the shower and was looking out the window to check on them. Brent was at the bottom of the pole and Nicole was at the top. Brent was telling her it was okay, to come on down the pole and he would catch her. She was looking down at him scared as can be . She was little and had never done it before. Brent was telling her it was easy and he would caught her. Well Nicole believed him and trusted him so she grabbed the pole and down she went. Brent moved right out of the way and she landed on her bottom. She was fine but I was laughing so hard they both looked up at me. They jumped up and started playing again but I never saw Nicole going down the pole. Fool me once

1 comment:

Nicole said...

I may not have gone down the pole again, but I did trust him for many more years after that. And I am pretty sure that wasn't the last time he tricked me.