Thursday, March 4, 2010

The move back

The movers moved in the large stuff last Monday and I have been working for a week to get it together. We have TOO MUCH STUFF. I have already made 3 trips to the DI and put some stuff in the attic that I should have gotten rid of .
I finally found the new bedding and got it on the new bed
I love our new Flat screens and bedroom furniture
I don't think we will ever fill the HUGE fridge-- what were we thinking?
my new vacuum will not vacuum the thick carpet-- hum
I am a new person with Internet and TV with DVR
I hurt my other Knee and have been hobbling but it is getting better
finally washed all my new dishes-- they are sweet!
the 4X4 shower-- too big if possible
the soaker tub-- hot
I had the gutters fixed so no more water on the front porch
the thermo guy from Questar passed our whole house except one door
Pictures to come!


mCat said...

I do have to admit, my heart warms when I drive by and see your lights on and the car out front. Even if it's just for a little bit, I am going to enjoy it!


Anonymous said...

Ok, I've been worried about you! So glad to have you back.