Thursday, December 30, 2010

Sizzler dinner on a stormy night

I called Rob last night and asked about dinner as I was trying to get home and of course, there is nothing in the frig that he wanted to eat so we decided to eat out. The storm is so bad that we decide it has to be close to home so we head to Sizzlers. We have not been there for a while and noticed a new menu, who knew they have lobster and ribs? Rob say he is not hungry and opts for the salad bar then heads to the restroom. I am cruising the menu and spy the section for seniors. Seniors get a free drink and the salad bar is 1/2 off. Now that is a great deal! So I ask the waitress, "if my husband is 60 but I am not, can we both get a seniors meal?" She says they cannot ask our age. Great, we will take 2 senior dinners. The service was great, the food was great and all under $20.00. Not bad for old folks.

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