Wednesday, February 3, 2010

17 days and counting

We have finally gotten a "hope for" "it could be" "if everything goes as planned" move in date
Feb 19th
that means the painter needs to finish painting, the tile has to come in on time , the tiler is free, the counter tops can be ordered, the electrician is free.... etc
and still we do not know where we will be moving to...........
there are so many options and everyone- including us -- are looking at them all
I do not know the answers but - what ever it is - it was meant to be.
I saw a ward member in the store the other day and she asked about what was happening and I gave her the short story. She said her kids had prayer I would not move ( this is a statement that just makes you want to slap someone)
Anyway - here is another deja vu "selling your home" experience
(I know Melissa is the only one who believes me or cares how much it bothers me)
So after our long episode with our last home and we finally sold the home and MOVED. We went to church the first week and meet with our bishop ( whom I will love till the day I die and then some) And he said, " I have been praying for you" HUM
Yes, it was one of those things we now laugh about. but it makes me wonder -- what other prayers are out there and where are we suppose to be?
We did get out to Herriman on Sunday and I again I "knew" we were suppose to be there
I am just not sure how, why, when or where
Rob says it is just a cold coming on


kaTie said...

we wish you luck! wherever you end up... will be where you are supposed to be!!

we've thought of you guys often!!

mCat said...

Rob WOULD say it's a cold coming on. :)

No matter what happens, it's the right thing. If you stay or if you go, I suspect you will end up happy. You always have the right attitude.

PS - go ahead and slap someone. It'll totally make you feel better.
