Tuesday, February 9, 2010

10 days and counting

Ten days to go and I am definitely not ready. If I had to identify an emotion I would have to say scared. First, there is not enough money in the bank for me to feel good. If our taxes get deposited and I get my final commission check then I will feel better. I have several interviews this week and the companies are all good but looking at the account -- I NEED to make more. The 2K just isn't enough to make the big step. It is a bit scary. We have never been house poor and I like to be able to spend money as I want and "need". Still I feel drawn to Herriman and when I ask--- the answer is always GO but this is definitely going to have to be a leap of faith. Again I have to remind myself that maybe this isn't the right house............ I guess I am waiting for the lightning bolt to hit us or some thing to show the way but it just a still small voice. I e-mailed my Herriman friends and swim friends to help. The mortgage group has given us till March 3 and then we would have to start all over again. So I am just going to keep doing everything I should be doing to make it happen and see what happens. But if I ever believed in crystal balls or tarot cards-- I would do it now-- No, I wouldn't -- I do not want to know the answer.

1 comment:

mCat said...

Remember that you are in our prayers daily and that the RIGHT thing will happen.