Sunday, September 20, 2009

You had to be there

Festival is collecting stories so I am writting a few down and thought I would share:Delivering the ski tree
Tree delivery was going smooth and we were on our last tree. It was a tree made by the Brighton ski patrol and was made out of skis. It was on wheels and had no attachments so we were thinking “sweet”. The tree was being delivered to an apartment above the zoo. We pulled into parking garage and wanted to unload. The manager had us move to down the street. No problem, the tree was on wheels so we parked up hill and just wheeled it down. The apartment was on one of the top floors so we planned to use the elevator. The tree would not fit. So then we decided we would use the stairs. The tree would not fit. The apartment has sliding glass doors so we stood on the balcony and hoisted the tree up. The tree would not fit.
We call the creator and asked about dismantling the tree. They said it could not be done. We had to take the tree back to festival and then I had my son take it home until we could contact the purchaser. She understood completely about the delivery issue and offered for me to keep the tree. But even in my house, the tree would not fit. She asked if I could find some one who would like the tree. After calling around I found the children’s museum needed a tree and it would fit so we delivered it there

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