Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Lesson Learned

Since putting out the for sale sign we have had several people want to go through the house. Thanks to the Diehl family for helping us get it sparking clean. But every time someone comes we still have to do the rush through to get it ready. Rob had to do it the other day and he did such a great job , I was really impressed. But then , i was missing stuff. I have finally found my favorite blanket-- in with the material closet, my red book -- in the sock drawer, my neck pillow in the other sock drawer, my gym bag in the closet with the cleaning supplies. The paint under the sink, the mail in the toy closet, and the vacuum in the garage
I still have not found the back scratch er and sadly the bag of clothes to go to the cleaners went out with trash.
but lucky we keep our sites on the goal-- get to Herriman


mCat said...

I'm LAUGHING! I can picture Rob just stuffing things in the nearest spot.

Anonymous said...

he cleans like Scottie does. TOO FUnny!