Wednesday, July 13, 2011

I guess Oreo does like us

It has been a trial having Oreo, the goat join our family. He is very stubborn and I thought he was unhappy here at the DeWitt farm. I hate having him in the shed. I do not like tying him up but pooping and peeing on the patio furniture is not good. Plus his favorite place to stand-- on the table. Yuck!
I have had him loose in the yard for 2 days. He never wanders. He does not leave the back door. I thought he might find the field but nope. He stays on the back porch the whole time.
So today I decided to take him to Gardner village so he could join the petting zoo. There is no petting zoo there.
Then I took him over to the goat farm on 1300 West. Frodo and I got him out of the car and walked around the farm. He did not like the ducks. He did not like the chickens. He did not like the other goats.
In fact he stayed with Frodo and I the whole time. No rope, no collar, he just stayed with us. We went right, he went right . We went left, he went left. We headed to the car, he came over and stood by the car.
What's a girl support to do?
I brought Oreo back home again.
I guess he likes us more than we know.

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