Sunday, November 1, 2009

Five People I would want to be stuck in an Elevator with

One of my favorites posted this game and I wanted to play
So I do not stick with the same type of people , I limited the choices to five categories
family-- hands down it would be my husband. I need him and if I am in any tough stuff I want him to be there with me. Besides he worries about me and I would be so worried about him I couldn't enjoy the others if he was on the other side-- so in he goes
neighbor-- it would have to be Ruth..She is a rock and a example of patience and suffer as I have ever know, yet she never complains, she ways smiles, she helps others when we should be helping her and the one time in my life when I needed a friend , she was there. I love her and her husband both but if I ever spent time with her I would hope something of the brilliant spirit would rub off on me and an I could ask and listen to how she does it.
someone alive: darn this one is harder than I thought-- I pick my grand kids as I never want to without them and they always make my heart happy and even suck in an elevator we would have a riot. This is taking in account that 5 grand kids equal one adult
someone not alive-- Mary , the mother of Jesus, I struggle as my kids are now grown and are off making their own decision, mistakes, successes and life's. How did she do that as Jesus went about the Lords work? I would love to spend some time with her.
celebrity: Adam Lambert-- I know this is a bizarre one but he is so talented and I just know there is no other way I would ever meet him or even get to talk to him unless we were stuck in some bizarre place together. I love to hear him sing, I love to hear him perform. So if music calms the soul and can heal the heart, then I would want the best singer in there with me. He could certainly make you forget about being stuck.

Your turn

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