Sunday, August 23, 2009

School starting

We went to see Ambree's school clothes tonight..She starts Kindergarten in two Days. Kyler is going to kindergarten. Max is going to Kindergarten. So I am reminded of my favorite 1st grade story of Colby.
Colby was 1st grade and his teacher had them all make special desk walls because they were going to take a test and she wanted to know what each kid knew ,so no one could help anyone else. Colby had gone to a preschool where there were disabled children and he was taught to help so this was different for him. They took the test which Colby said was easy but he was upset because his friend had struggled with reading and the answers. He was telling me about it and then he said, well you know he goes to a farter at school every day. "a farter" I said. Yes, said Colby a farter, you know the guy that helps him with his school work. Oh I said, you mean a tutor. Oh yeah, Colby said a tutor not a farter.

1 comment:

mCat said...

Only Colby could come up with that one! A farter!

Luke went to the same preschool where they integrated mainstream kids with disabled kids to help prepare the disabled kids for kindergarten.

Best experience ever! Luke wanted to marry Mariah.

Mariah had no arms or legs.

LOVED that school!