Monday, August 31, 2009

I never said it would be easy

But it would be worth yet. Rob and I know we are suppose to move, we know where and have seriously been putting in over time to get there but it is so hard. Just when we get a point of the house to the finish line something happens. in the last 30 days we have had a family trade, the bathroom flooded that ruined the ceiling, then yesterday Rob was pulling the trailer out front and took out not only the fence but the side of our house. We both wanted to cry. The work never seems to end . Regardless we have set September 1st as our due date. The sign goes up . I can only hope we survive. We were pretty low yesterday when the kids came over and so they all wanted to go and look at the house so we did and Herriman still feels so right. I guess when we knew we were to move and we started down the path, I thought the Lord would light the way and we would be cruising but looks like this is a lesson we need to learn. We are extremely slow learners.

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