Friday, August 28, 2009

One or two more school stories

This was third grade and Cameron had Mr Checketts. We were at back to school night, which were always interesting with Cameron. Mr Checketts like Cam and seemed to be entertained by his classroom behavior. At least, we had not gotten any calls from the teacher about improper behavior-- yet.
As we discussing Cameron's participation, Mr Checkett's told us that Cameron was doing okay as a student but his potential only measured up to qualify to grow up and be a sales person. Mr Checketts meant this as an extremely bad position to be in and we need to get him going so he did not become such a degraded person. Well unknown to Mr Checkett's, the two people he was talking to were both in sales. Being the quiet shy person I am, I immediately began to tell him I made more in two months in sales that he made all year and that if Cameron aspired to make six figures a year like his parents then we would be extremely happy--lucky Rob stopped me about then and the conference was over. I never quite felt comfortable around him again. These conference sure could bring out the the worst in a person.
We also had an interesting back to school night one year with Matt's teacher. Matt's handwriting was barely readable and the teacher was bring it up. My immediate response was Matt was going to be a doctor, the teacher quick on her feet responded, well then there are an awful lot of doctors in the class.

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