Saturday, June 27, 2009

A lesson to learn

I know I have shared this before but it is on my mind again today. Festival has allowed to meet and become friend with many great people around the world. One of these friends lives Cape May, New Jersey. I love her like a sister and cannot wait till she finally moves here to Utah so we can be together. Here is her story:
She is a new convert to the church and was invited to come to SLC. When she got here she had the opportunity to meet with an apostle. He asked Joi, what was the hardest thing about being a new member. She thought and came up with the answer of stop drinking coke. He laugher and had his secretary bring in some glass and brought out some coke out of his desk drawer. He poured some and offered it to her. She was not sure it if it was a test or not. The he taught her. Joi, drinking Coke will not keep you out of the kingdom of Heaven, but judging some one who does drink coke will.

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