Monday, November 24, 2008

Weddings and funerals

Since my boys can't seem to be able t tell the difference, I wanted to post a remember the good times about Parker or should I say the twins.
I was tending and the boys were out in the garage eating dog food. Ashlee being the big sister and they guardian angel immediately came in to tell me what they were doing. Upon closer investigating, I confirmed it was indeed dog food they were eating and closed the issue. Ashlee was surprised. After explaining to her that her dad had eaten dog food all the time and there was nothing that would hurt them, we all continued what we were doing.
The next time I was tending I had the boys and had planned to clean out the bedroom closet. I was busy working away when I heard thumping noises. I checked and they boys were in Brent's closet and were throwing his stuff down the stairs. I carefully explained how Brent would kill them if he found out . Their response" oh we are so sorry aunt debbi, we won't do it again" now that melted my heart and of course all was forgiven and forgotten and I went back to cleaning. The more thumping noise. I checked again and the twins were throwing stuff down the stairs. Well you know the saying-- fool me once- shame on you-- fool me twice - shame on me. Again they very regretful but this time we packed our bags and went to village inn for breakfast, dropped over to jungle gyms, hit the movies and ended the day at Fred Meyers where after looking and testing every toy in the place they bought Rat Fink racers. It was a great day.
And the last favorite memory was ice fishing at Bear Lake where the twins were amazed at Brent's hunting skilled and duded him as " the killer"

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