Sunday, November 9, 2008

Happy Halloween!
Sorry this was posted so late. It was so busy Hallowwen night, that I did not take any picture. Lily was Glenda the good witch and Ambree was a bride. I was lucky enough to be able to sew thier costumes this year. Here you can see Glenda riding in her carriage as we trick and treat in the neighborhood.. Our house is known as the Hallowwen house as we open the garge doors, set up table and cahirs and serve ANYTHING. This year we had Chili ( bought back by popular demand ) PBJ sandwiches, donuts and drinks. We went through 18 dozen donuts, 200 sandwiches, a huge pot of chilli and a cooler full of punch. It was a beautiful friday night so it was perfect for many trick and treaters. I always plan for 300 and I was right on the money this year.

1 comment:

mCat said...

Halloween, just wouldn't be Halloween without the open Dewitt garage! And the kids were darling with the puppies!