Monday, May 30, 2011

Things I want to remember they said....

In the front room eating Pez candy:

Kinley: I like red, Kyler likes red.

Grandma: Hunter likes red too.

Kinley: So does my cousin Broccoli ( Ambree)

Waiting in the car for Ambree's baseball game to be over:

Hunter: Do you have a TV in your car?

Grandma: No, I do not.

Hunter: Do you have a show on your phone?

Grandma: No, I do not

Hunter pushing all the button, pulling all the knobs and finds the tweezers.

Hunter: these are sharp

Grandma: Yes .they are you have to be very careful with them. ( I get out to get in the back)

Hunter: Hey, you're not coming around to take these from me?

Small accident happen:

Hunter: Don't tell my dad, he will be mad

Don't tell grandpa he will laugh

Grandma: Can I call mom so she can help us?

Hunter: Yes,she will bring new undies.

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