Monday, July 5, 2010

Red Hot pokers

It all started years ago. My grandpa always had one or two red hot pokers in his small yard and after we moved into our house he brought over a glass canning jar with one plant in it. Rob said he hated the plant but my kind neighbor said I could plan it on the side of her house and that way we could both enjoy it. It grow into one huge plant and bloomed every year. It always reminded me of my grandparents. We have a huge year and it seemed we would buy plant after plant and nothing ever grew. Strawberrys are impossible, I planned Rubarb which never grew and for 7 years we planted grapes which finally took hold. So one year I took the red hot poker plant and separated it and planted 15 plants in the back yard. They grew like weeds. The 15 got separated to make 60 more and it has escalted till now we have over 100 plants and 1,000's of flowers. It is my favortie thing in the yard.

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