Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Why Festival?

On Sunday, I had one of my neighbors and his son helped on clean up. He was there at 8:00 and had planned to work 4 hours but stuck with us until we were done which was close to five. It was cold and it did seem as if we would never get it all done. About 2:00, he asked, Debbi, why do you do this and of course the answer was " for the children" He said it was the best answer I could give.
Later that day my granddaughter called and asked me to come to dinner and decorate their Christmas Tree. I told her I wanted to but I was still at festival and did not know if I could make it . She called 4 times and my answer was always the same . She called back and left this message Grandma, I know you are working hard to make sick children get better so they can be with their families for Christmas so it's okay if you do not come over tonight .
That is the better answer.
But as with every year. Festival gave more to me than I gave .

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