Friday, July 17, 2009

So I was in pain

After barely being able to move for days I visited the Doctor-- just to make sure. The kids had a whole list of "what is could be" Well after xrays and an exam it would seem I am text book again and just need to keep doing what I have been doing all along

Osteoarthritis (OA) is the most common form of knee arthritis. OA is usually a slowly progressive degenerative disease in which the joint cartilage gradually wears away. It most often affects middle-aged and older people.
Pain and swelling are worse in the morning or after a period of inactivity. Pain may also increase after activities such as walking, stair climbing, or kneeling.
The pain may often cause a feeling of weakness in the knee, resulting in a "locking" or "buckling."
Yeap -- this is me
bone on bone

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